Sunday, April 3, 2011

If I Am A Billionaire

          I think everyone sure have an ambition to be a billionaire one day. But we already know that to get the title, we must and should put a very big effort on doing something especially related to business. This is because many businessman even in our country doing their business to bring them to the billionaire stage like Datuk Robert Kuok. I am very sure that other people. so am I have decided what they want to do when they be a billionaire. I also have arranged my future if I am a billionaire.

          Firstly, I want to bring my family including my 2 grandmother and a grandfather to go for Hajj during the Eid because this is my wish and my way to appreciate them for raising me up until this stage. Besides that, when going to Makkah, I can always prayed to Allah SWT and get myself closer to our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). There, I can seek for Allah's forgiveness on what I've done since I was children until now.

          After that, I can spend some from my money to build up a special house for my parent to thanks them for paying a full attention on me. All about the house including the design, the color and even the place, I let them make the decision. My job is only find an architect to make it real and hire some interior designer to add some interesting environment like swimming pool or a small garden. I let my parents design their own dream house to let them satisfied on their house.

          My third plan if I'm a billionaire is make a donation to the disabilities people need help. The donation is given under a charity club. For example, mostly people in South Africa are lack of food and this related to the nutrient they get. They didn't get enough nutrient. If they can't survive especially mother's who breast-feeding their babies, this will have a death. Diseases also can spread easily through environment get into their body and if their antibodies is not strong, they might get a dangerous diseases like kwaroski. The donation also can give to country that faced the natural disasters such as earthquake, flash flood, tsunami, etc.

          For me, family is my important assets. I want to build up a family business company which is more related to tourist or traveling. That is because my father before he posting to work as a chief clerk, actually he has experienced in conducting a traveling around West Malaysia. During that time, many Japanese love to come to Malaysia and this let my father learned Japan language. So, I decided when we have a traveling business, a foreign language class is conducted to let everyone who want to join our traveling business as a traveling conductors. It is a bonus for them.

          After I fulfilled my family's wish, finally I decided my own decision on myself. I want to buy my own assets such as a bungalow, some cars and land for my future. My mother say that we should have these things before getting married to appreciating our self on what we have done so hard to get happiness. This is because we can't depends on husband's assets even though he supporting us. I also want to finish my study until I get title of Professor because in any aspects or situation, the education is very important so that people can't make fool of us.

          All above are the list what I want to do if I am a billionaire. I hope other people have a reasonable thinking om what they want to do if they are a billionaire.     


My Dream Vacation

          Every people have their own dream vacation even with family budget or on their own budget. I have to places to go for holiday, Mauritius Island and Perhentian Island. Both places are beautiful island. But for supported the Malaysian economy, I chose Perhentian Island more rather than Mauritius Island. There are several reason I've chose this beautiful island.

          Foreigners love to go to this island for holiday because the underwater world is beautiful. We can see the beautiful of corals, fishes, and the blue of the sea. Besides the services of hotels are also amazing like the server is politely, always give a smile to tourists and helping who are in trouble. The Malaysian culture also affected me to go to this island. Usually an island is situated nearer to villages. Visitors can know the culture of villagers like various of food, traditional clothes and traditional games such as congkak. Changing of culture can happen there.
          I can release my tension at work by go to this island. I like to go alone so that nobody can disturbing me during my break time. For other people, they can running their self from busy in town, pollution environment by factory, exhausting, the crowded in town, etc. This because in island, there are no such problems that I mentioned above. Usually the government always protect several island as an assets to attract foreigner, and so that ca n increase the economic market. I don't wonder there is no shopping complex because I don't like shopping.

          Besides that, if I make a vacation to Perhentian Island, I can saved a lot of budget because to get there, no flight is used. If I tired to drive alone, I can book a ticket by bus. So I can more relaxed. But, a long time is taken from my state, Johor to Terengganu where is the island stated. However, I don't bother about that because to go to the island is my dream vacation.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Should I Have A Boyfriend or Girlfriend While Studying?

          To have a boyfriend or girlfriend. That is the question. Many student and parent fells that there is not a good idea to have a boyfriend or girlfriend while studying. This is because such a relationship during the most important year of the schooling is a very large distracting, one dramatically reduces focus, and consequently performance. But, in my opinion, there are several reason on how a boyfriend or a girlfriend can give benefit that can turn a relationship from a distraction to a motivator. While relationship have the potential to be distracting and reduce focus and performance, they also have the power to improve focus and performance. 

          My first opinion is make the phone time conditional upon completing your set study. This mean if you don't complete your set study time, you can't speak to your boyfriend or girlfriend that night. This is a a particularly power way of motivating yourself., and improving focus. You will not want to disappoint your boyfriend or girlfriend, and as you most probably will really want to talk to them, you can tap into this motivation to get your study done efficiently and effectively. 

            My second opinion is make a point of organizing set date/party nights like during the Friday to Sunday period. Again, make a commitment that these do not occur unless both of you have stuck to your study and completed your to-do list. This requires discipline, so keep each other accountable. If you haven't comppleted your study, no party or date or night.

          Finally, plan how you can study together. Study in groups can be a great way to learn by teach each other content ( teaching has up to 90% memory retention rates). So, organize to see each other on a weekend, and make a commitment to spend 1.5 hours group study, and then hang out together. Again, this way your relationship can become a positive motivating force.

          In conclusion, throughout your life after school, for both university and work, maintain a relationship while studying and working is a vital skill. By consciously avoiding relationships in studying, you a losing a valuable opportunity to learn time management, and organizational skills which will be used throughout the rest of your life. So, I strongly stay with my words that, we can have a boyfriend or girlfriend while studying.



Friday, February 25, 2011

Things I Do To Keep Myself Motivated

I as a student and may facing with other challenging world outside need inspiration or motivated to gear up things and get going. So, the self motivaton is one of the best way and effective techniques for students. These are a few simple steps I'm doing to keep myself motivated.

     Firstly, as a student as well as a human being, we set a dream to achieve our target. So am I. It is essential to have a dream goal or a dream target set before you start working towards it. I set a target that is difficult but not impossible. I set a big dream as only then I will have a challenge to fulfill. For example, I set my goals to get a PhD before age of 40. I set that age to get PhD because I as a lady have many commitment towards family especially afte get married.

      After that, I plan steps to achieve that goal. Once I have set a goal, I write it down or have it carved on my mind until I reach it. One of the best self motivation is to chalk out two plans which I think will make I reach my goal. If one fails, I always have the option. For example, I can continue study in university or if I have other commitment, I can study by doing it at Open University. But I should try and make your plans as fool proof as possible.

     We can't only dream and plan without execute it to get what we have set. Due to the sequences, after I dream, set a goal, draw a plan and so comes execution of the plan. I have no time to waste and never proscrastinate. It is fine even if I begin with a small thing. This is one of the most important technique on start studies. I have plan carefully because time never wait for us but we have to run to it.

     Besides that, one of the best motivation techniques is to optimize. Now in one waay, I need to optimize my resources to the best use. Get along with people who have similar goals, make the best use of knowedge, put all the things that I have to best use. After that, have an optimistic attitudes as only that is going to take me half way to success.

     The best part I like to do is reward myself. Who does not like a fete or a praise for the works and hard work that has been undertaken all the while. I myself motivation techniques, I need to reward for every small achievement, for reaching every small goal that I have planned. Reward is still consired as one of the best and effective motivation techniques known to man or otherwise I also be bored. For example, I like to reward myself by go on tourism especially to the place that have their own history like Malacca and Langkawi or even Sarawak. I really don't like to shopping even this is girl's mostly activities.

     Lastly, one of  the most important in self motivation techniques is I will make sure that I will never give up, no matter how difficult or hard. If I give up, I will never get or even achieve my goals that I mentioned at the top just now. Because perseverence leads to success.



Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Letter To My Mother

Instead of Mother's Day will be coming on 3 months, I want to share with you a letter I create to my mom.
     Dear Mom,
     I never realize how difficult being a mother is. Now I wish I would help you more with the chores around our home. I wish I would have known the exhaustion that a mother feels at the end of each day. You never stopped loving me and you never left me even at times you probably felt like it.
     I always had a new pair of sneakers at the beginning of each school year, and you woukd wear the same pair of sneakers for 5 or more years. You always put me the first and yourself second. There are so many thing you did without a secong thought. You took care of me when I was sick even I'm in university.You went nights without sleep from worrying. There are so many more things that I could list, but never be able to remember them all.
     I took up most of your time, leavingg you with no time for yourself. You put aside your hobbies such as planting flowers, and you barely took the time out to have a coffee with your friends.
     What sacrifice ou made to raise me. Thank you Mom, so much, for every second of he day that you cared and guided me to be who I am today.
     I have to say it again, Mom. Thank you with all my heart, and I want to tell you that I love you so much, much and much and that I am so proud to tell people that you are my mother.
     I hope that I can do a great job being a mom just like you and have been to me.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My New Resolution

     Every people, of course have a new year resolution and they think without the wish, the new year may not complete. Usually, they wish to have a good healthy, get more money, and for student, they want to achieve a best grade in their examination. Instead of achieving a best grade, I also want to collect and keep coins as much as I want. Is it weird? Some people will say yes, because coins can be collected anytime. But for me, it is interesting because when I have so much coins, I can keep it in a beautiful box in my cupboard. It is a fun for me.

     Besides, when I have coins, it make easier for me to buy things when shopping at mall. It also make the cashier no need to give back the exchange money to the customer if the customer give coins, like me. But the difficulties is, I have to carry so much coins and very weight. So, the make it easy, I have to divide into different value of the coins. For example, 10 cent with 10 cent, 50 cent with 50 cent and so on. I also collected 5 cent. Maybe some people will say impossible to bring along cents everywhere for buying something. But for me, it is fun because my parent teaches me about small business. So, I think this situation make the cashier's job easy. I've been taught to do this since I am 6 years old.

     I will never stop my hobby until I died even it is only 5 cent. I also make a wish I will teach my children to collect and keep coins. After that, that coins can keep in the bank we choose.


Friday, January 21, 2011

The Difficult Decision

    The first day I got a call from UPNM make me worried about my ambition.. Actually, I want to be a teacher after finished my STPM exam. I want to follow my mother's career.. When I got that call, I'm working as a clerk. After going home from work, I discussed with my parent about my chances to get a better job in future if i chosed this university. For a few days, I became clumsy and so complicated on making a good decision.
     My mother told me that as along as so many teachers in my family including my cousins, so my mother ask me to get the chances given to me for further study in UPNM. While my father just let me decide which one I want to go because on the same time, I also got a called from UMS in Sabah, which offered me in political science course.  I think if I'm in Sabah, it's difficult for me to going home because i have to book a ticket for flight. After discussed n prayed, finally I chosed UPNM.
     But the problem is, I as a civilian have to compete with cadets as this university mostly concured with cadets. Many stories I've heard from the foundation students that there are a lot of challenges when studied with them. So I have to faced it as long as a I want to be here for a long time. I tried my best to adapt myself with this environment. So far, there is no problem but just the management is slow..