Saturday, March 19, 2011

Should I Have A Boyfriend or Girlfriend While Studying?

          To have a boyfriend or girlfriend. That is the question. Many student and parent fells that there is not a good idea to have a boyfriend or girlfriend while studying. This is because such a relationship during the most important year of the schooling is a very large distracting, one dramatically reduces focus, and consequently performance. But, in my opinion, there are several reason on how a boyfriend or a girlfriend can give benefit that can turn a relationship from a distraction to a motivator. While relationship have the potential to be distracting and reduce focus and performance, they also have the power to improve focus and performance. 

          My first opinion is make the phone time conditional upon completing your set study. This mean if you don't complete your set study time, you can't speak to your boyfriend or girlfriend that night. This is a a particularly power way of motivating yourself., and improving focus. You will not want to disappoint your boyfriend or girlfriend, and as you most probably will really want to talk to them, you can tap into this motivation to get your study done efficiently and effectively. 

            My second opinion is make a point of organizing set date/party nights like during the Friday to Sunday period. Again, make a commitment that these do not occur unless both of you have stuck to your study and completed your to-do list. This requires discipline, so keep each other accountable. If you haven't comppleted your study, no party or date or night.

          Finally, plan how you can study together. Study in groups can be a great way to learn by teach each other content ( teaching has up to 90% memory retention rates). So, organize to see each other on a weekend, and make a commitment to spend 1.5 hours group study, and then hang out together. Again, this way your relationship can become a positive motivating force.

          In conclusion, throughout your life after school, for both university and work, maintain a relationship while studying and working is a vital skill. By consciously avoiding relationships in studying, you a losing a valuable opportunity to learn time management, and organizational skills which will be used throughout the rest of your life. So, I strongly stay with my words that, we can have a boyfriend or girlfriend while studying.