Sunday, April 3, 2011

If I Am A Billionaire

          I think everyone sure have an ambition to be a billionaire one day. But we already know that to get the title, we must and should put a very big effort on doing something especially related to business. This is because many businessman even in our country doing their business to bring them to the billionaire stage like Datuk Robert Kuok. I am very sure that other people. so am I have decided what they want to do when they be a billionaire. I also have arranged my future if I am a billionaire.

          Firstly, I want to bring my family including my 2 grandmother and a grandfather to go for Hajj during the Eid because this is my wish and my way to appreciate them for raising me up until this stage. Besides that, when going to Makkah, I can always prayed to Allah SWT and get myself closer to our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). There, I can seek for Allah's forgiveness on what I've done since I was children until now.

          After that, I can spend some from my money to build up a special house for my parent to thanks them for paying a full attention on me. All about the house including the design, the color and even the place, I let them make the decision. My job is only find an architect to make it real and hire some interior designer to add some interesting environment like swimming pool or a small garden. I let my parents design their own dream house to let them satisfied on their house.

          My third plan if I'm a billionaire is make a donation to the disabilities people need help. The donation is given under a charity club. For example, mostly people in South Africa are lack of food and this related to the nutrient they get. They didn't get enough nutrient. If they can't survive especially mother's who breast-feeding their babies, this will have a death. Diseases also can spread easily through environment get into their body and if their antibodies is not strong, they might get a dangerous diseases like kwaroski. The donation also can give to country that faced the natural disasters such as earthquake, flash flood, tsunami, etc.

          For me, family is my important assets. I want to build up a family business company which is more related to tourist or traveling. That is because my father before he posting to work as a chief clerk, actually he has experienced in conducting a traveling around West Malaysia. During that time, many Japanese love to come to Malaysia and this let my father learned Japan language. So, I decided when we have a traveling business, a foreign language class is conducted to let everyone who want to join our traveling business as a traveling conductors. It is a bonus for them.

          After I fulfilled my family's wish, finally I decided my own decision on myself. I want to buy my own assets such as a bungalow, some cars and land for my future. My mother say that we should have these things before getting married to appreciating our self on what we have done so hard to get happiness. This is because we can't depends on husband's assets even though he supporting us. I also want to finish my study until I get title of Professor because in any aspects or situation, the education is very important so that people can't make fool of us.

          All above are the list what I want to do if I am a billionaire. I hope other people have a reasonable thinking om what they want to do if they are a billionaire.     


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